Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Emerging Futures
As always, I am moved by your genius, and your willingness to step into your truth and share what becomes clear for you, through each moment you put your thoughts into these fonts on the "page".
The conversation around "leadership" through the Choice Points newsletter and recent blogs moves through me as a rumbling of possibility and truth. And, having the experience of being "male", a man, I find myself fully emersed in the unsettling state (more rumblings) of knowing that my experience of leadership and leading as I have witnessed them so far in my life just don't work for me at all, either!
Yet, in the unfolding of my experience with most of the men and women I know, i have not yet been able to find a space comfortable enough for me to feel able to "let go" and flow out of the "competitive and controling nature" of that "nominalization" that is "leadership", and into something else. The phrase "relax into a new way of being" (as it relates to men - Choice Points, 2006), definitely feels like the direction I must focus on to allow for something new, different, than what I am used to. There has never been an instant of "relaxing" in my experience of leading or demonstrating leadership. It seems to always be about holding on tightly and controling all the perameters I can; and I trust that most men would have a similar experience.
There is a knowing, now, in the depth of my being, that holding on to what is, will almost never get me to what can be, and that change and possibility can only come from choosing, moment to moment, to stand in the truth of my experience, and choosing again, in those moments of clarity, to allow for the unfolding of that truth. Where my experience of leaders, leadership, and leading is one of seeing "men" in various positions, talk about "blazing a trail", "punching through", "capitalizing", "winning", "getting the edge", I suspect that "relaxing into a new way of being" will be an unfamiliar place for many to stand, as it is for me; yet, I too, believe that the continued repetition of the habitual, will only give us more of what we've got or worse!
Although I am not sure how all this will unfold for me, I have a sense that it is only in my intention to create more space for myself that I can allow for others to see what becomes possible for them. And in so "being", allowing for much more than was offered up to me in the first place!?

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