Friday, September 21, 2007

"Real Age"
(wow two posts in the same day...)...
You probably have heard this term of "real age" before...the notion goes like this...that despite all the talk about BMI and perfect body shape and health, that your real age is the true determinent of how healthy you are or how "happy and healthy" you feel. Oprah even had some doctors talk about this concept on one of her shows.
I found such a site through some e-mails that were going around yesterday and decided to "play". (I'm sure by typing in "real age" in your web browser you can find a bunch of info on this...and maybe a game or two).
There were some very interesting inferences or "presuppositions" inserted everywhere in the site I was playing in. I basically had to click on the most appropriate answer or "truest of me" response (already not too precise...right...but I'm playing anyway...).
Now to those of you who've seen me before, you will know that I am no small guy. In the vernacular of modern day alopathic medicine some would call me "obese". I like to think of it more as aspiring to look like the Buddha, himself!? (ha ha...)
The point was that after all of my "critical specs", the analysis was that my real age is that of 35.3 yrs old. Interesting, since my chronological age is nearer to 45 yrs.
I figured, "not bad"! And then a shooting pain from my left knee came up to remind me that I really feel older than I am (at least in that moment!)
What other thing I found fun to think about was that as of today, I am 16,314 days old; as another way of counting from the day I manifested physically in this world.
According to this "real age" site, another point to ponder is that they predict that all things being equal, I should live 'til the age of 83.7 years. Wow! That, according to their calculations, would give me 14,500 more days to live!!!
Of course, depending on your outlook, this could be a double -edged sword (at the least). Of course, no one can "know" how long they are going to live; and my way of thinking these days doesn't dwell so much on quantity as much at quality of life. I would really rather enjoy to have much more quality of life, over a longer period of time, if I could help it. And today, I know that I can (help it).
There's nothing deep and mystical here that I am getting to. Yet the simple notion that the way you feel really determines your quality of life and that from that feeling, you may "increase" your longevity, goes to what we know as our truths: that thoughts are things, and that those "things" (thoughts) shape who and how we are!
Long, and Well, may you live!
Creating at the rhythm of my breath,

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