Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hello to ALL,
On this day, I am met with the surging pressure in my body (chest area) that has me once again, considering who I am in this moment that has me questionning the "world" around me and wondering if we see ourselves going, and even more so, if we even want to notice!?
So we are met with Christmas or, the holiday season...and what a "holiday" it is winding up to be!
I can understand the "intelligence" behind our "routines", habits, what some might call "traditions", and I know that whatever I say that might seem like a "criticism" of our "reactions" to this time of year, comes back to me as a light in the mirror, to shine on the person who I am with all of my beliefs, values, and attitudes in line the way they are at this moment.
So who am I that allows for my feeling "pressured" to say something, to dissavow the ongoing "chaos of commercially sustained trances" that I see repeated, year upon year, without noticeable and tangible change in the human condition?!
Who am I now, and how do I choose to participate or not, in the "traditions" that are laid before us by market forces, to be pulled by other's strings, like consumer puppets, or NOT?! How am I at cause, and at effect of the many choices that are laid out before me?
Hmmm, I wonder if at the tail end of the madness, I will be able to claim "I did it My Way!", and feel like I truly have!?
creating at the rhythm of my breath,