Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today, what moves through me is a wave of sorrow accompanied by a frustration with my brethren (men of the world) at our failure to use the incredible power and opportunity we've been given in ways that "matter"; in ways that support and sustain a life, that is inclusive of every human being, and that would allow for a peace that invites every person to move towards their god-like-ness!
I believe that when anyone and everyone is moving with an "intelligence" (inner survivability instinct)all arguments and judgements as to which behaviors or belief system is best,or worse, or good or bad is objectively, up in the air, and bound to be supported by the dominant (world) view simply because of numbers. Just as being angry doesn't make you right (it just makes you angry!), outnumbering others doesn't make you right either, it just makes for more people agreeing on some generalized idea (isn't it funny how we stop agreeing with such general ideas when we get to the nitty-gritty of the details of those ideas and what they actually mean to us individually?)!
So then, what we are left with are the results "we are creating"!!! Are we paying attention? Do we accept that WE are choosing, and creating the results we are getting?! Are we response-able? Do we know and accept that we have the capacity and opportunity to choose differently and to keep choosing up to and until we create the kinds of results we can actually be proud of and joyous with?
I wonder how long we can sustain the present worldview that would have us claim our supposed "smallness", our supposed scarcity, our deficient selves; rather than shifting to a "paradigm" that would have us acknowledge our gifts, our infinite selves, our immense creativity, and the immense abundance of experience that is available to ALL, because of our god-likeness?
Up to and until we are willing to STOP, and to notice that we co-create our world, choice by choice, response by response, we are doomed to habitual, patterns of behavior of thought, feeling, and beliefs that would seem to lead us to our own (earthly/worldly) demise!
So my invitation today, to all men, including our so-called leaders (and those women who would lead as present day men would lead), to seek within themselves the highest order signals of selfhood, and to pay attention to what they are creating. Freedom is not Free...yet the cost of a freedom gained to the detriment of other human beings is a tarnished and discomforting freedom, for which we will pay with our souls and spirits.
creating at the rhythm of my breath,