Friday, December 29, 2006

One of the neat ways we make sense of our world in terms of the finite game is by defining beginnings and endings. And so another year is about to come to it's humanly created dated end, with a new calendar year about to start. Yet, nature's evidence points to cycles of change...I wonder what would become available to us if we were to allow ourselves to go with the flow?!
I wonder how many of us think about this creation of set times and dates anymore? Is it possible that this fabrication of time is at the root of the few thousands of things that keep us "blind" to our essential selves? Is the so called "reality" of physical beginning and end (what we refer to as our life)made itself so impenetrable that we cannot allow ourselves to see what else is happening, what else is there that we cannot speak of, because we don't have access to it????
I wonder what results we might get if we we're to walk around this earth as if we were eternal beings, spiritual beings having a human experience? What if, there is only one game, and it's infinite? What would happen to the way we "spend" our time...if it were even possible to do so?
Yet, in all of the talk of spirituality, energy, and new age wholism, it seems that we're still looking for the concrete cement of it all! We are intricatly tied to the physical, the environmental (i don't mean environment here...but what's around us in the physical world), to what I'll call, the lowest common denominator for "existance"; and then we take that aspect of it for granted as if once we've confirmed it with our "senses" we can let it be and move on to the next thing...and quickly too.
Yet, do we realize that the senses we are so used to "using" are the ones of habit...the ones we've been trained in, and ones we've trained ourselves into using, mostly because they were easy and available?!
What if, you would allow yourself to stop long enough to notice what's going on around you, when your hair suddenly stands on end? Or when you get a shiver when it's not winter? My experience of these things use to be about dismissing them, mostly because that was automatic but sometimes because there was no immediate answer to any questions I'd have about "what's going on?", and "what's that about?".
My experience is that change for me only became possible when I started to use "all" of my sensing powers (spiderman watch out!) instead of referring to those few ways I would use (like an automoton) to "keep going" in the safest way possible through my days. The difference for me between a human doing, and a human being, comes from our immense ability to access and use all of our "antenae" to notice who we are, and expand what is availalbe to us in each moment!
Change is inevitable - not in a terrible way - but in our natural flowing way. The only useful question to me is: "Do I like the results?" Change and choice are intricately related. In fact, I believe, they are inseperable. Like we are always changing (even though we may believe it is only at microscopic and cellular levels), we are always choosing, and therefore, the results we have can only be the result of our choosing...can you live with the results? if so, fine, keep choosing the things you are...if not, can you accept that it is up to you to choose differently, and create the results you actually want?
creating at the rhythm of my breath,