Thursday, March 22, 2007

Guys, it's OK to "go deep"!
I've been there and it's beautiful! ... And...I'm not dead yet! In fact, I'm more alive, and happier than I've ever been! My life means something to me now, because it's more "my" life than it has ever been....because I know more about who I am now than I ever have...
The expression "going deep" isn't something that need be reserved only for the play by play of the gridiron - (football for those less initiated...) .
What would happen to our conversations guys, if we were to shout out every time one of our buddies started to talk: "Go DEEP!" as a reminder of where all the reward lies? and know that it would be supported by those around us...How different would that feel?
I expect that the first reaction would be one of shock or disbelief, and the scrunching of noses and eyes with thoughts of "mental illness" permeating our thoughts.
I wonder how "comfortable" we can get at the thought of saying something that feels like the truth of our experience in the moment were thinking it....admitting it to ourselves, and then, maybe letting other guys in on those thoughts?!
Waaaayyyy too weird, right!?
Maybe...certainly, different...yet, how fun is having things be the "same" all the time? and how's it working for you?
How many times have you found yourself, like me, thinking that you couldn't wait to get out of the room, or wishing others would just leave so that you could be alone with your thoughts or your remote control, or web-site, or magazine, or only with the buddies you really wanted to be around you.
The other thing I've discovered about "going deep" is that it has to start with me. I've rarely seen or experienced any guy, buddy, brother, offer to "get into" a topic or personal "problem" unless their was an imminent critical situation brewing...or over a beer, crying because its too late...the other shoe having dropped?!
What is it about having to let the pressure build so much before we "get it" or notice the "signal" that something is moving in there?!
Am I alive, or simply existing? Am I really that guy that my "buddies" know, or is there someone lurking inside this skin shell and is aching to break out?
Is there too much risk in "going deep", and dropping the ball; or looking back and seeing that there is no one their to pass you the ball after you've made a run for it...being left alone, on the field...or even catching that hail mary pass only to get smashed by another bunch of bigger, faster moving guys, who look angry!?
Whatever the case, the choices we make about what we allow others to know about who we really are in the moments stuff perks up inside of us impacts the quality of those relationships and our lives.
Courage, talent, risk taking, strength, truth, honor, are not only the domain of athletes and those who would achieve "great things" professionally; they are the domain of every man/person who lives by his own truth, and is willing and able to stand alone, in that truth and let himself be known for who he truly is!
Go deep, for glory...Go deep, for your own truth...go deep, for your own sake!
The quality of your life, and those around you may depend on it!
And, you may find yourself looking around one day, and notice that there are plenty other players on the field, playing the same game you are.
creating at the rhythm of my breath,