Thursday, March 08, 2007

Here and Now...
In my continued attempts and efforts at "reaching" and stretching myself forward to what I want, I have found that I often forget about the here and now; and in so doing, I often find myself feeling "troubled", stressed, anxious, etc...There is something about "wanting", that causes me to feel scarcity, or like something is missing from my life; yet, all I've done is notice. Notice that there is something that calls to me in the moment of my noticing that it might be good for me to have this "thing" in my possession or to at least, have it accessible to me.
Other times, I have a clear sense that, in the here and now, in being present to myself, there can be no problems, no tension, no "need", and much less want.
I continue to notice, time after time, that the degree to which I am present in my body and experience, the less I have "challenges", stress, etc...and the clearer I am about my "stance". In the present moment, I am unshakeable....I am...all that I can be!
creating at the rhythm of my breath,